Pronoun Agreement for Everyone

Pronoun agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that every writer and editor needs to know. Unfortunately, it is also one of the trickiest parts of the English language, especially when it comes to using gender-neutral pronouns. In today`s day and age, it is essential to use pronouns that are inclusive and respectful of everyone, regardless of their gender identity. Here are some tips for using pronouns correctly and ensuring pronoun agreement for everyone.

Choose the Right Pronouns

Before discussing pronoun agreement, it is essential to know which pronouns to use. Traditionally, English has used he/him/his and she/her/hers as gendered pronouns. However, these pronouns are not inclusive of non-binary individuals or those who identify as genderqueer. In recent years, gender-neutral pronouns such as they/them/theirs and ze/hir/hirs have become more widely used.

When in doubt, it is always best to ask the person which pronouns they prefer. It is also important to respect their choice and use their preferred pronouns when talking about or referring to them.

Make Sure Pronouns Agree

Pronoun agreement is simple when using gendered pronouns. For example, saying „She is happy because she got a promotion” is correct because both pronouns agree in gender, referring to the same person. However, when using gender-neutral pronouns or when referring to people who use different pronouns, things can get more complicated.

When using they/them/theirs as a gender-neutral pronoun, it is important to ensure the pronouns agree throughout the sentence. For example, saying „They are a writer, and they are happy because they have just published their book” is correct because both pronouns agree in number and gender. On the other hand, saying „They are a writer, and he is happy because he has just published his book” is incorrect because the pronouns do not agree in gender.

When referring to someone who uses different pronouns, it is vital to use the correct pronouns consistently throughout the piece of writing. For example, if someone uses she/her/hers pronouns, it is essential to use those pronouns in all instances rather than switching to he/him/his halfway through.

Proofread Carefully

Finally, it is crucial to proofread carefully to ensure that pronouns agree throughout the piece of writing. This is especially important if using gender-neutral pronouns, which can be tricky to get right. It is also important to remember that not all people who use gender-neutral pronouns use the same ones, so it is essential to double-check the pronouns used and ensure they are correct.

In conclusion, pronoun agreement is important, and using the correct pronouns is essential in showing respect and inclusivity to everyone. By choosing the right pronouns, ensuring pronouns agree, and proofreading carefully, writers and editors can ensure that their writing is respectful and inclusive of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.